My Media Use

This is a track record of my use of all media in the past 24 hours (05/23/2024)

9:00 AM: I wake up and check any text messages or emails that require immediate response. They only tend to be about bills and responsibilities for the day.

9:30 AM: Whilst I brush my teeth and use the bathroom, I check Twitter, and Canvas. Twitter tends to be my outlet for modern day news. I’ve catered it to be towards my likes and interests, but also include real life news. Canvas is simply to assess my work for the day or for the week, making sure if I have any assignments due that day or soon.

10 AM: I arrive at work, using my work app on my phone to clock in, and whatsapp to check the work group chat. Seeing if there are any updates about policies, promotions or sales.

10:30 AM to 3PM: Whilst at work, I casually scroll through twitter and tiktok, but only when the store is slow. It helps to make conversation with my young coworkers about trends that are happening right now. I recently was looking for a controller that could attach to my phone. Using apps like OfferUp and Facebook marketplace to potentially find something that fits my needs.

3:30 PM: Once I am off of work, I check my emails and messages again to make sure I set myself up for any responsibilities such as assignments or chores.

4-10 PM: I did not have any other plans for the rest of the day. Due to this, I immediately go to my PC and open up discord and see if anyone is online to enjoy some video games. I tend to just play a single player game while socializing, but I do play multiplayer games like Valorant and League of Legends when I am invited.

10:30: This is where I wrap up for the night, check Twitter, and emails one last time. Potentially using a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu to wrap up the night.

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

Module 3: Blog Assignment

This is my usage on 06/01/2024

9:00 AM: I wake up checking my canvas, work email, school email and personal email. I realize, even though bills are a necessity, they tend to get access to a lot of personal information about me and my finances. Especially with certain monthly bills like car insurance and the cell phone bill, since they even get access to things like my social.

9:30 AM: I got to my regular routine of brushing my teeth and getting ready for the day. I went ahead and checked my social medias such as Instagram and Twitter. Checking any other messages from friends, family and coworkers. Specifically, coworkers are communicated through Whatsapp. I did notice on the social media apps, that there are many brands that try to advertise their products. Makes me think of how Youtube ads are such a normal thing to see, yet they are tailored to my interests, meaning that these websites have more information about me.

10 AM: I make it to work, checking the websites at my job that give me up to date information about the team and the promotions. This class has made me look at these websites in a different light. I realize that even the websites we use to keep track of our sales as a team or as a district is almost formatted like a forum page. Granted, very limited in what we can post about, I also realize how the website limits our speech about social interests such as politics or stances on vaccines.

10:30 AM to 9PM: I had to work a double at my job today. Since the store was very busy, I did not have much time to use any other websites or apps that were not work related. Although, I did get to see the other interests that other customers had. It is interesting to see big companies like Samsung, Apple, T-Mobile and Google ask for so much personal information. Even overstepping certain boundaries like height, weight, health and biometrics.

10 PM: After an incredibly long day, I went ahead and just wrapped the night up with some Netflix. Although, it is interesting to see how these companies also tailor your wants and needs. Searching one simple thing like “video games” and now your Netflix recommendations are filled with films and shows rotating around game shows and technology.

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